50th East Coast Commercial Fishermen's & Aquaculture Trade Exposition Schedule
50TH Annual East Coast Commercial Fishermen’s and Aquaculture Trade Expo 2025
January 17, 18,and 19th 2025 Held in Ocean City, Maryland at the Roland E. Powell
Convention Center. Featuring Daniel Edgar from Swamp People!
Hotel Headquarters is the Holiday Inn Oceanfront on 66th Street.
Get your reservation early and get a discount.
Cocktail Party is held at the Convention Center on Friday, January 17th at 6:30PM.
2024 Ford F-150 XL Pickup Truck Raffle
Drawing date is January 19th, 2025.
Tickets are $100 a piece.
Odds are 1:600, Better than the lottery!
Tickets are for sale in the online store or contact Victoria at 202-580-9377 if you prefer to pay over the phone.
Since 1973, the Maryland Watermen’s Association has tirelessly served the interests of watermen and the seafood industry throughout the state of Maryland. We have continuously worked to ensure the future of independent watermen and seafood businesses throughout the state. That hard work has given the MWA, its staff and leadership a strong position and high visibility with State and Federal regulators, as well as, environmental and business associations and organizations.

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